
Ryan Snow


Bib: 5489 Sex: M Age: 37 Residence: Sylvania, OH




20M 19:52
28K 30:02
13.1 49:43
10K 44:18
20M 19:52
28K 30:02
13.1 49:43
10K 44:18

Average Pace

7:10 per mile (view kilometer pace) 7:10 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

66 percent (view time) 66 percent (view time)

Overall Place

251 out of 5523 240 out of 5523

Sex Place

229 out of 3114 Men 218 out of 3114 Men

Division Place

36 out of 464 Men in M3539 36 out of 464 Men in M3539
(See complete M3539 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:07:26 10:38:25 7:02 251/5523 36/464 229/3114 493/5523 80/2
20M 2:23:55 9:54:53 7:39 329/5498 48/461 300/3100 629/5498 25/1
28K 2:04:03 9:35:02 7:00 361/5500 52/462 328/3102 700/5500 19/7
13.1 1:34:01 9:05:00 7:14 378/5507 53/462 344/3105 735/5507 14/16
10K 44:18 8:15:17 7:08 384/5495 54/463 350/3098 694/5495 61/219
ChipStart 0:20 7:30:59 194/5523 24/464 153/3114 153/5523
GunStart 0:00 7:30:40
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:07:26 10:38:25 7:02 240/5523 36/464 218/3114 444/5523 80/2
20M 2:23:55 9:54:53 7:39 318/5498 45/461 290/3100 556/5498 25/1
28K 2:04:03 9:35:02 7:00 342/5500 47/462 312/3102 606/5500 19/7
13.1 1:34:01 9:05:00 7:14 354/5507 50/462 322/3105 602/5507 14/16
10K 44:18 8:15:17 7:08 352/5495 49/463 320/3098 500/5495 61/219
ChipStart 0:20 7:30:59 194/5523 24/464 153/3114 153/5523
GunStart 0:00 7:30:40
Graphic Results
You placed 251 out of 5523 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 80 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 2 runners in the overall category

You placed 240 out of 5523 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 80 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 2 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



5523 finishers


3114 finishers


2409 finishers