
Mandell Johnson


Bib: 225 Sex: M Age: 22 Residence: Sioux Falls, SD




21M 2:04:42
13.1M 1:18:25
10K 26:36
5K 23:46
21M 2:04:42
13.1M 1:18:25
10K 26:36
5K 23:46

Average Pace

12:16 per mile (view kilometer pace) 12:16 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

38 percent (view time) 38 percent (view time)

Overall Place

268 out of 335 267 out of 335

Sex Place

172 out of 209 Men 171 out of 209 Men

Division Place

13 out of 13 Men in M1923 13 out of 13 Men in M1923
(See complete M1923 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 5:21:14 11:51:45 13:03 268/335 13/13 172/209 316/335 18/5
21M 4:13:27 10:43:58 15:48 281/329 13/13 185/206 319/329 4/100
13.1M 2:08:46 8:39:17 11:24 184/334 13/13 135/208 281/334 0/116
10K 50:22 7:20:53 8:34 68/319 11/13 53/202 139/319 2/41
5K 23:46 6:54:17 7:39 30/333 6/13 25/209 88/333 2/22
ChipStart 0:03 6:30:31 9/335 3/13 7/209 7/335
GunStart 0:00 6:30:29
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 5:21:14 11:51:45 13:03 267/335 13/13 171/209 316/335 18/5
21M 4:13:27 10:43:58 15:48 280/329 13/13 184/206 318/329 4/100
13.1M 2:08:46 8:39:17 11:24 184/334 13/13 135/208 280/334 0/116
10K 50:22 7:20:53 8:34 68/319 11/13 53/202 139/319 2/41
5K 23:46 6:54:17 7:39 29/333 6/13 24/209 82/333 2/22
ChipStart 0:03 6:30:31 9/335 3/13 7/209 7/335
GunStart 0:00 6:30:29
Graphic Results
You placed 268 out of 335 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21M to FINISH

You passed 18 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 5 runners in the overall category

You placed 267 out of 335 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21M to FINISH

You passed 18 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 5 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



335 finishers


209 finishers


126 finishers