
Jimmie Enge


Bib: 4093 Sex: M Age: 60 Residence: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Boston Qualifying Time Boston Qualifier


24M 25:48
21M 20:06
30K 45:45
13.1M 56:35
10K 25:32
5K 25:53
24M 25:48
21M 20:06
30K 45:45
13.1M 56:35
10K 25:32
5K 25:53

Average Pace

8:26 per mile (view kilometer pace) 8:30 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

68 percent (view time) 67 percent (view time)

Overall Place

1607 out of 8561 1553 out of 8561

Sex Place

1234 out of 4716 Men 1198 out of 4716 Men

Division Place

13 out of 148 Men in M6064 14 out of 148 Men in M6064
(See complete M6064 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:40:38 11:42:37 9:34 1607/8561 13/148 1234/4716 486/8561 17/66
24M 3:19:36 11:21:36 8:36 1539/8534 12/148 1195/4701 442/8534 142/16
21M 2:53:49 10:55:48 8:31 1703/8542 14/148 1325/4710 495/8542 109/12
30K 2:33:44 10:35:43 8:16 1795/8548 16/148 1401/4709 506/8548 134/21
13.1M 1:47:59 9:49:59 8:13 1960/8529 18/148 1526/4705 588/8529 90/62
10K 51:25 8:53:25 8:14 2052/8551 21/148 1577/4713 655/8551 56/63
5K 25:53 8:27:53 8:20 2054/8551 21/148 1564/4713 699/8551 283/121
ChipStart 1:52 8:02:00 2023/8561 34/148 1525/4716 1525/8561
GunStart 0:00 8:00:09
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:40:38 11:42:37 9:34 1553/8561 14/148 1198/4716 509/8561 17/66
24M 3:19:36 11:21:36 8:36 1504/8534 14/148 1172/4701 464/8534 142/16
21M 2:53:49 10:55:48 8:31 1630/8542 15/148 1266/4710 514/8542 109/12
30K 2:33:44 10:35:43 8:16 1727/8548 17/148 1346/4709 536/8548 134/21
13.1M 1:47:59 9:49:59 8:13 1840/8529 19/148 1431/4705 618/8529 90/62
10K 51:25 8:53:25 8:14 1868/8551 22/148 1433/4713 755/8551 56/63
5K 25:53 8:27:53 8:20 1861/8551 23/148 1411/4713 966/8551 283/121
ChipStart 1:52 8:02:00 2023/8561 34/148 1525/4716 1525/8561
GunStart 0:00 8:00:09
Graphic Results
You placed 1607 out of 8561 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by24M to FINISH

You passed 17 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 66 runners in the overall category

You placed 1553 out of 8561 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by24M to FINISH

You passed 17 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 66 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



8561 finishers


4716 finishers


3845 finishers