
Stephen Topping


Bib: 3709 Sex: M Age: 61 Residence: Ellicott City, MD




20M 50:06
16M 31:24
13.1 34:57
15K 44:14
7K 35:06
20M 50:06
16M 31:24
13.1 34:57
15K 44:14
7K 35:06

Average Pace

10:13 per mile (view kilometer pace) 10:20 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

56 percent (view time) 56 percent (view time)

Overall Place

1840 out of 3592 1721 out of 3592

Sex Place

1236 out of 1985 Men 1163 out of 1985 Men

Division Place

21 out of 43 Men in M6064 19 out of 43 Men in M6064
(See complete M6064 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:27:33 12:00:38 11:35 1840/3592 21/43 1236/1985 1032/3592 47/96
20M 3:15:45 10:48:50 12:32 1791/3592 20/43 1235/1985 938/3592 8/263
16M 2:25:40 9:58:45 10:50 1516/3588 17/43 1078/1982 675/3588 3/242
13.1 1:54:16 9:27:21 9:15 1169/3588 12/43 858/1985 512/3588 8/137
15K 1:19:19 8:52:24 8:53 1025/3588 11/43 771/1983 403/3588 18/62
7K 35:06 8:08:11 8:06 854/3590 7/43 656/1984 318/3590 318/21
ChipStart 2:46 7:33:05 1302/3592 18/43 945/1985 945/3592
GunStart 0:00 7:30:20
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:27:33 12:00:38 11:35 1721/3592 19/43 1163/1985 1007/3592 47/96
20M 3:15:45 10:48:50 12:32 1672/3592 19/43 1158/1985 923/3592 8/263
16M 2:25:40 9:58:45 10:50 1417/3588 17/43 1009/1982 691/3588 3/242
13.1 1:54:16 9:27:21 9:15 1178/3588 14/43 862/1985 551/3588 8/137
15K 1:19:19 8:52:24 8:53 1049/3588 10/43 789/1983 484/3588 18/62
7K 35:06 8:08:11 8:06 1005/3590 10/43 764/1984 519/3590 318/21
ChipStart 2:46 7:33:05 1302/3592 18/43 945/1985 945/3592
GunStart 0:00 7:30:20
Graphic Results
You placed 1840 out of 3592 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 47 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 96 runners in the overall category

You placed 1721 out of 3592 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 47 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 96 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



3592 finishers


1985 finishers


1607 finishers