
Michael Olson


Bib: 2854 Sex: M Age: 36 Residence: Savage, MN




20 Miles 51:06
13.1 Miles 46:45
10K 40:43
20 Miles 51:06
13.1 Miles 46:45
10K 40:43

Average Pace

7:06 per mile (view kilometer pace) 7:07 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

66 percent (view time) 66 percent (view time)

Overall Place

250 out of 6966 251 out of 6966

Sex Place

206 out of 4408 Men 206 out of 4408 Men

Division Place

33 out of 681 Men in M3539 32 out of 681 Men in M3539
(See complete M3539 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:06:07 10:36:15 7:37 250/6966 33/681 206/4408 460/6966 27/10
20 Miles 2:18:54 9:49:02 7:25 272/6951 32/680 227/4399 513/6951 17/46
13.1 Miles 1:27:48 8:57:56 6:48 250/6964 28/681 209/4408 444/6964 13/8
10K 41:03 8:11:11 6:34 263/6963 32/681 219/4407 538/6963 254/11
ChipStart 0:20 7:30:28 487/6966 55/681 402/4408 402/6966
GunStart 0:00 7:30:08
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:06:07 10:36:15 7:37 251/6966 32/681 206/4408 448/6966 27/10
20 Miles 2:18:54 9:49:02 7:25 268/6951 32/680 222/4399 476/6951 17/46
13.1 Miles 1:27:48 8:57:56 6:48 239/6964 28/681 198/4408 418/6964 13/8
10K 41:03 8:11:11 6:34 244/6963 30/681 201/4407 415/6963 254/11
ChipStart 0:20 7:30:28 487/6966 55/681 402/4408 402/6966
GunStart 0:00 7:30:08
Graphic Results
You placed 250 out of 6966 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20 MILES to FINISH

You passed 27 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 10 runners in the overall category

You placed 251 out of 6966 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20 MILES to FINISH

You passed 27 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 10 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



6966 finishers


4408 finishers


2558 finishers